Joint Usage / Research

Purpose of the Joint Usage / Research

Via “Joint Usage/Research Center for Digital Earth to Address Emerging Complex Systemic Problems”, we promote research and development of Digital Earth, working with researchers in a wide range of areas, including GIS, remote sensing, information sciences, and social sciences. We also make Digital Earth available for researchers who are addressing complex systemic problems such as environmental issues and disasters, in order to advance science in fields related to building a sustainable society.

Public call for research

IDEAS was accredited as “Joint Usage/Research Center for Digital Earth to Address Emerging Complex Systemic Problems” by Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2014. In 2020, IDEAS was accredited for the second time, and now we are still working on this contract. IDEAS are publicly calling for joint research which deeply cooperate with the center. The topics are 1. Specific Project Research, 2. General Research, 3. Research meeting, 4. Research by Students

“Specific Project Research” is a research which is implemented by “cooperation with the IDEAS researcher and research group formed for proposed themes”. There are 8 themes divided in two categories, and one “Special Topic” which theme is “The sustainability of ‘Socio-Ecological System’”.

Specific Project Research

Theme IDEAS Facilitator
 In the search of sustainability in “Socio-Ecological System” Hiromichi Fukui (Professor)

Category 1

Integration of technical components for
Digital Earth

Theme IDEAS Facilitator
1. Development of API-platform and application for advanced utilization of sensing data. Kiyoshi Honda (Professor)
2. Construction and analysis of basic data and visualization of uncertainty Nobuya Watanabe (Professor)
3. Development of science communication systems Hiromichi Fukui (Professor)
4. Big data analysis and application of artificial intelligence (AI) and/or machine learning to Digital Earth Satoru Sugita (Associate Professor)

Category 2

Digital Earth applications to address complex systemic problems

Theme IDEAS Facilitator
1. Digital Earth applications for disaster prevention and reduction Jun Izutsu (Professor)
2. Digital Earth applications for environmental and energy-related issues Kiyoshi Takejima (Associate Professor)
3. Digital Earth applications for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicators Hiromichi Fukui (Professor)
4. Digital Earth applications for one-health related issues. Shinya Yasumoto (Associate Professor)

“General Research” is a research which is implemented by “cooperation with the IDEAS researcher about a study topic which is suggested by the applicant”. Variety of researches related with Digital Earth are welcome. Budget is smaller than the “Specific Project Research”, and its use is limited to travel fee and consumable goods.

“Research Meeting” is a meeting which is “jointly hosted by IDEAS researcher and the applicant, which theme is suggested by the applicant”. Variety of themes related with Digital Earth are welcome. The use of the budget is limited to the travel fee and the gratuity for the lecturer. In principle, the budget is limited for a single meeting per year, and the meeting should be held in facilities of Chubu University.

“Research by Student” is a research which is implemented by doctoral student as a director, cooperating with students or researchers in the related fields. However, the research topic should be related with Digital Earth, and study must be conducted under the aid of the advisor. Research is available to students from any nationality. The use of the budget is limited to the travel fee and consumable goods, and amount of the budget is smaller than the “General Research”. Lecture about the techniques related with Digital Earth will be provided to the adopted applicant if needed.

About the Research Budget

About the Application Upper limit of application amount
Specific Project Research
(Special topic in the search of sustainability in “Socio-Ecological System”)
1,000,000 JPY per project
Specific Project Research 500,000 JPY per project
General Research 200,000 JPY per project
Research Meeting 300,000 JPY per project
Research by Student 100,000 JPY per project

Final budget amount for implementing the Joint Research will be discussed in the meeting of “Committee of Joint Usage”, and decided by the director or the IDEAS. Budget will be processed by Chubu University in case of the usage. If the purchase good is above 50,000JPY, or if it is computer or software, it will be regarded as “equipment”, which has to be returned to Chubu University. However, this is not the case if the research is going to be continued to next year.

Submitting the application

  1. 1

    Specific Project Research:
    Contact and discuss with the IDEAS facilitator in advance.
    General Research, Research Meeting, Research by student:
    Contact and discuss with the researcher of this Joint Usage / Research.

  2. 2

    Fill in the “application form” and “Joint research approval form” (Download application forms from following links)

  3. 3

    Send forms via Email (

  4. 4

    Send forms via mail.
    IDEAS, Chubu University
    Building no.23 3F,
    w 1200 Matsumoto-cho, Kasugai, Aichi 487-8501, JAPAN
    Title: “Joint Usage/Research Center for Digital Earth to Address Emerging Complex Systemic Problems”

Closing date:

Application forms

Committee of Joint Usage

Committee of IDEAS “Joint Usage/Research Center for Digital Earth to Address Emerging Complex Systemic Problems”, is called “Committee of Joint Usage”. This is a committee to manage the center and to deliberate / decide the matters related to run “Public call for research”. Committee is consisted of members from both Chubu University and the researchers from external institutes.

所属・職 氏名
千葉大学 環境リモートセンシング研究センター・教授 市井 和仁
国立情報学研究所・教授 北本 朝展
東京大学 生産技術研究所・教授 関本 義秀
京都大学 防災研究所・教授 畑山 満則
立正大学 地球環境科学部・教授 増田 耕一
電気通信大学 大学院情報理工学研究科・教授 山本 佳世子
東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター・顧問 小林 光
東京大学・名誉教授 二宮 正士
名古屋大学・名誉教授 山口 靖
中部大学 副学長 中部高等学術研究所所長・教授 福井 弘道
中部大学 理工学部・教授 井筒 潤
中部大学 理工学部・教授 本多 潔
中部大学 人文学部・准教授 安本 晋也
中部大学 中部高等学術研究所 国際GISセンター・教授 渡部 展也
中部大学 中部高等学術研究所 国際GISセンター・准教授 竹島 喜芳
中部大学 中部高等学術研究所 国際GISセンター・准教授 杉田 暁